Douille ??????

Munitions, grenades, obus...

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Douille ??????

Messagede ritter44 » Jeu Jan 04, 2007 20:07 34

Bonjour a tous,

est ce que quelqu'un peut m'identifier cette douille svp?

Longueur : 17cm
Diamètre en bas : 4,2cm
Diamètre en haut : 3cm

Merci d'avance.

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Messagede bonnet » Jeu Jan 04, 2007 22:50 04

c'est une douille d'obus de 30mm*170 oerlikon moderne
par contre c'est la premiere fois que j'en vois une en laiton
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Messagede Sturmbock » Jeu Jan 04, 2007 23:05 20


la tienne est la 2e sur la photo en partant de la gauche

30x170 Rarden/Oerlikon KCB

During the 1930s Hotchkiss developed a 25mm AA gun which was adopted by both France and Japan, although it disappeared into history after the war. During the war, the British Manufacturing and Research Company (a Hispano-Suiza subsidiary) produced an unsuccessful 30mm aircraft gun using a cartridge based on the Hotchkiss case. After the war, Hispano developed this idea for the 30mm HS 831, renamed the Oerlikon KCB on the merger of the two companies, which has been widely used as a naval AA gun. It now uses a steel case to withstand the battering of the high-rate gun.

The British Army was looking for a cartridge case of about that power for its new light AFV gun, which emerged as the Rarden. The case reverted to brass to provide better gas sealing, with the aim of preventing gas from seeping back into the turret. The cartridges are now not interchangeable in use, even though the dimensions are the same.

ta douille, etant en laiton, est donc juste d'apres guerre


3e en partant de la droite
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Messagede ritter44 » Ven Jan 05, 2007 12:50 49

Salut a tous,

merci pour votre reponse.

C'est sympa.

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Inscription: Mer Mar 22, 2006 10:57 27
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